Sammi, a 7 year old domestic long haired cat, presented to us in December with a history of not eati...
“Black Jack” was rescued from a shelter by Labrador Retriever Adoption Services at approxi...
‘Lola’ is an approximately 4 year old, female mixed breed dog who was picked up by a shelter early t...
Martha is a 9 year old, intact (unspayed) Labrador Retriever who presented for examination of a very...
Daisy is a 6 year old, female West Highland Terrier. Shortly after Christmas, Daisy began vomiting, ...
“Molson” , a 2 year old, male Labrador Retriever, was surrendered to Labrador Retriever Adoptio...
‘Willow’ is a very sweet, 10 month old, female spayed German Shepherd. She presented for a one week ...
‘Shilo’ is an 11 year old, neutered male, Labrador Retriever who was presented to us for lethargy an...